Genealogy Dictionary

land office
The government agency that recorded land claims, patents, and possibly deeds. The Source, A Guidebook of American Genealogy (1997 Revised Edition, Ancestry, Inc., Page 244) indicates the extraordinary fact that no land office "from Pennsylvania to Georgia and their offspring of West Virginia, Kentucky, and Tennessee, [that] no land offices were destroyed in a major fire."
lands and tenements
Real property.
Deceased ("… the late George Washington …").
Abbreviation for 'latter-day saints' — a short-hand for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. More commonly known as the Mormons, the LDS is very active in encouraging and promoting genealogy, regardless of membership or religious beliefs. The LDS maintains the Family History Library in Salt Lake City, UT and Family History Centers throughout the world.
Property or money bequeathed to someone.
A person who inherits money or property from a person who left a will.
A person renting or leasing property from the owner for some use.
A person who owns property for lease to a tenant (or lessee).
Letters of Administration
Court document or documents requesting the court assign an Administrator to handle distribution of an estate where there is no will. Many times the request will request a specific person be appointed the Administrator (such as the deceased's spouse).
Letters of Testamentary
Court document or documents allowing the executor named in a will to carry out his or her duties.
Book of public records.
A claim placed on a property who is owned money.
Direct line of descent to or from an ancestor.
lineal descent
Being in the direct line of descent from an ancestor.
A person involved in a lawsuit.
loco parentis
In place of the parent or parents. To act in place of the parents of a child, usually in a court matter or financial situation.
Place or location.
A person who is loyal to the authority. In colonial America, a Loyalist was (usually) a Tory who remained loyal to the King and his government in England during the Revolutionary War. Most Loyalists either moved to Canada during or after the war. Some Loyalists were forced to leave their homes and properties by those who supported the revolution.

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