Burlington Township, Bradford County, Pennsylvania is one of the original towns created when the county was established in 1812. The main road through the town is present-day U.S. Route 6, providing access to Troy in the west and Towanda in the east. The borough of Burlington is embedded within the township at the north-south Berwick Turnpike road.

Burlington Township 1858

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1858 Burlington Township Residents
Adison, J. Haight, G. Phinert, O.
Alexander, D. Haight, J. Prime, R.
Allen, P. Haight, L. Rosengrant, J.
Allen, R. Haight, R. Ross, L. J.
Arthur, J. Haithhorne, J. Rundall, A.
Ayers, D. Hall, O. N. Rundall, L. M.
Ayers, F. S. Hardin, J. Russell, D.
Bailey, M. Hardin, S. B. Russell, M.
Bardsley, P. Haynes, J. Sacketts, S. H.
Barnes,  Hollenbeck, P. Sconten, G. C.
Barns, W. Hull, G. C. Scowton, C.
Bennett, E. Huston, J. Selleck, A.
Bennett, H. Isabell, L. Shiner, L.
Bennett, J. M. Kendall, D. D. Shiner, W. B.
Bennett, M. Kendall, E. Shipman, C. N.
Betts, S. Kindall, L. D. Slatter, A.
Bevin, D. Knapp, C. Sluter, W.
Blakeslee, Mrs. Knapp, R. M. Smith, T.
Bolt, B. L****, M. Soper, D.
Booth, H. Lane, A. Spencer, J. W.
Booth, J. Lane, D. M. Stropes, A.
Bragg, S. B. Lane, I. Stropes, H.
Brange, H. Lane, Z. Stropes, J.
Brown, B. Lantz, J. Stropes, S.
Burns, O. Lor*, M. Tall, J.
Campbell, J. Luther, D. Thompson, J.
Carman, C. Luther, R. Travis, M.
Carman, W. Lynch, F. Travis, Z.
Clark, E? Mar**las, L. Travis, Z. R.
Clark, Mrs. McCord, A. Travise, J.
Compton, H. McDaniel, M. Waters, M.
Cormya?, N. McMoran, C. Waters, T.
Crane, L. McNeal, N. Whaling, J.
Decker, H. Mead, D. Wheeler, A.
Denton, B. Mead, W. Whipple, K.
Dibble, A. Miller, S. Whitehead, D. B.
Dodd, H. Morley, J. Whitehead, H.
Fairchilds, M. Morley, J. Whitehead, S.
Gibson, W. Nichols, C. F. Whoal, A.
Grenille, Mrs. Nichols, C. F. Wiggins, T.
Gustin, J. Nichols, E. Wilcox, A.
Gustine, J. Nichols, J. Wilholm, W.
Gustine, K. Nichols, L. D. Wilson, J.
Guyer, *. M. Noyes, Mrs.  
Guyer, E. Overton, E.  




Spencer, J. W. – James Wright Spencer was born in October 1827. His parents were Lyman Spencer (1803-1898) and Esther Lydia Brownell (1805-1885) of Pawling, Dutchess County, New York. James moved to Burlington about 1850. It would appear his sister Lydia met Samuel Whitehead (see below) visiting her brother.

Whitehead, S. – Samuel Whitehead was born in December 1830 in New Milford, Litchfield County, Connecticut. He married Lydia Spencer (1834-1916), daughter of Lyman Spencer (1803-1898) and Esther Lydia Brownell (1805-1885) of Pawling, Dutchess County, New York. Samuel's parents moved to Burlington before 1850. They married about 1860 according to the 1900 U.S. Census.


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