Monroe township was establised in 1821. By 1858, the township had 2 post offices, one at Monroeton and the other at Linnwood. The township also had 10 schools outside Monroeton, 14 saw mills, and 3 grist mills.

Monroe Township 1858

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The Greenwood Hotel was situated in the Linnwood area in the northern part of the township. A wool factory had also been established in the southern part of the township.

1858 Monroe Township Residents
Alden, S. W. Fox, I. Nothrop, R.
Arnout, G. E. Fox, R. E. Nothrop, W.
Arnout, J. H. Gale, J. G. Overton, N. B.
Bedford, J. Goff, W. Owen, Mrs.
Bessey, G. W. Griggs, L. E. Owens, D.
Blackman, D. Hanson, J. Park, W.
Blackman, J. Holland, H. Phinney, G.
Blackman, J. Holland, J. Phinney, J. H.
Blauvett, J. Holland, L. G. Piper, Mrs.
Blauvett, J. Holland, W. Piatt, Mrs. (2)
Bowman, J. Horton, W. H. Pratt, L. A. (4)
Brown, C. Ingham, D. Ridgeway, B.
Bull, J. Johnson, J. Rockwell, B.
Carter, C. Kellogg, E. C. Rockwell, R.
Carter, O. Kellogg, M. Rockwell, Z.
Cole, J. S. Lewis, J. Sage, P.
Coolbaugh, M. M. Lewis, J. H. Salisbury, S.
Coolbaugh, Mrs. Lewis, W. Scott, J.
Cory, G. Lyons, S. Stephens, H.
Cramer, A. Marcy, C. Summers, J.
Cranmer, A. I. Mason, E. Sweet, E
Cranmer, E. Mason, W. Sweet, F.
Cummings, C. Mason, W. Sweet, H.
Cummings, C. Means, Mrs. Sweet, H.
Cummings, H. Meason, G. P. Sweet, T.
Decker, S. Minard, J. Ward, C. I.
Dowd, T. Mingos, P. (1) Ward, C. L.
Edsall, J. Mingos, J. (3) Wells, C.
Erwin, G. Mullen, A. Weston, Mrs.
Erwin, G. C. Nagle, S. C. White, G. & E.
Erwin, J. R. Nelson, D. White, G. & E.
Erwin, W. Nichols, K.  
Fowler, A. North, W.  
Fowler, E. Nothrop, B.  
Fowler, G. Nothrop, C.  
Fowler, R. Nothrop, H.  
Fowler, W. Nothrop, R.



This transcription has been updated with the generous help of John Mingos of Potomac MD. Many thanks to Mr. Mingos for taking the time to taking the time to review the map in detail and provide corrections [17 Dec 2003].

Some additional notes about residents listed above include:

  1. Alonzo Mingos was in Monroe Twp in 1858 based on census and land records. His entry on the map ("Mingos, A."), however, is not found. Source: John Mingos, Potomac MD.
  2. Mrs. Eliz. M. Piatt (b1803) was daughter of Coonrad and Sarah Mingos. She married Christopher Piatt (d1856). Source: John Mingos, Potomac MD.
  3. J Mingos is probably Joseph.
  4. It is Luman A Pratt (b 1814) There is no evidence that this guy was related to the several Dr. Pratts in Towanda. Source: John Mingos, Potomac MD.




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