Athens Borough (boro) is located between the Susquehanna and Chemung rivers, the the Chemung runs into the Susquehanna. The area was the site of a village or town within the Iroquois Nation.

Athens Borough 1858

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1858 Athens Boro Residents
Allen, F. Harris, N. C. Sawyer, S.
Backus, B. R. Hull, J. Sharpley, W.
Baker, H. Hunside…, G. Sherman, L. H.
Banks, C. Huston, MD, Shipman, C. H.
Barnes, H. F. Hyt, MD, F. Shipman, C. N.
Basley, H. K…, MD, Shipman, C. N.
Brockway, J. B. Keeler, Shipman, C. N.
Brooks, E. Kelly, Smith, J.
Clapp, T. W. King, Res? Snell, A.
Coleman, N. M…rian, D. F. Sp…, J.
Comstock, C. McDole, Spaulding, O. H.
Cook, H. W. McGeary?, M. Stallm…, Mrs.
Corbon, J. L. McKinney, H. Stevens, A. P.
Cotton, D. Meaker?, P. Stevens, C.
Davis, T. R. Merrill, G. Stone, A.
Decker, K. Neland?, J. Terwilliger, I.
Drake, E. Page …, K. N. Walsh, J.
Dryis?, D. H. Par…d, J. E. Wells, C. F.
Duell, W. Par…d, L. W. Wells, Mrs. S.
Edgar*en, Park, P. D. Wells,
El…rth, Mrs. Parks, C. White, W.
Forbe, Mrs. Patr…, H. W. Wil*rtonsheire,
Fritcher, H. I. Perkins, C. A. Williamson, J.
Fritcher, J. Perkins, G. B. Williston, JP?, W.
Green, J. Perkins, O. Wilson, J.
H …, W. W. Petons, J.
Hancock, W. Pyke, J & H
Herrick, B. Ruggles, N.
Herrick, C. H. Ryan, J.
Harris, N. C. Satlerd…?, D. D.